
Pihole styled, but using Cloudflare Gateway

For Devs, Ops, and everyone who hates Ads.

Create your ad blocklist using Cloudflare Gateway

Credit goes there.

First inspired by IanDesuyo/CloudflareGatewayAdBlock.

Thanks alot to @nhubaotruong for his contributions.

Modified by @minlaxz.

Removed unnecessaries: removed lib directory and handling inside the github actions.

Added dynamic domain filter (whitelist and blacklist) idea (please check ini files, as you may also need to modify those.)

Supported styles


hostsVN =

How to set this up?

  1. Fork this repository to your account.
  2. Grab your Cloudflare Account ID from ➞
  3. Create your API Token from ➞ with 3 permissions
    1. Account.Zero Trust : Edit
    2. Account.Account Firewall Access Rules : Edit
    3. Account.Access: Apps and Policies : Edit
  4. Add Repository Secrets to your forked repository ➞<username>/<forked-repository>/settings/secrets/actions
    1. Set Cloudflare Account ID to CF_IDENTIFIER
    2. Set API Token to CF_API_TOKEN


Github Actions: it has 2 dependent backup workflows re-run and re-run2 in case if the main workflow fails,

They will retry after 5 minutes one after another only if the main workflow has been failed (not cancelled - if you cancelled the main workflow manually, they will not be triggered anyway).

How to set up using Termux?

if you know how to do, you can skip this step.

pkg upgrade
pkg install python-pip
pkg install git
# Clone your forked repo. #


async def main():
    adlist_urls = read_urls_from_file("adlist.ini")
    whitelist_urls = read_urls_from_file("whitelist.ini")
    adlist_name = "DNS-Filters"
    app = App(adlist_name, adlist_urls, whitelist_urls)
    await app.delete()  # Leave script
    # await

Note from @minlaxz:

  1. Domain list stlye: I personally preferred second one in blacklist styles, which has more readablity and concise.`
  2. Dynamic domain list: You can also update your dynamic (fluid) whitelist and blacklist using dynamic-blacklist.txt and dynamic-whitelist.txt
  3. Deprected using .env : Setting sensitive information inside a public repository is considered too dangerous use-case, since any unwanted person could easily steal your Cloudflare credentials from that .env file.

πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚ Cheers! 🍻🍻